Bar Soaps
Bar soaps have been around for much longer than their gel or liquid counterparts. They are, however, often misunderstood. Soaps are a cleansing product, used for a variety of purposes, from body care to housekeeping.
A soap is essentially a salt of a fatty acid. In olden times, soap was made by combining boiled fats with ashes. Over time, the production processes for soap become more complex and refined, as did the ingredients used in them, making soap an essential in every home.
Although soap started out different, it is the industrialization of soap production that created the hard bars we now know. Soaps are generally harsh, as they are alkaline and contain preservatives, artificial colours, and synthetic fragrances. They can thus be irritating to the skin.
However, soaps are now available in an array of compositions, with ingredients that moisturise and protect the skin.
Moisturizing Bar Soap
When choosing a soap, it is important to check for the pH level. This is because the skin is slightly acidic, with a pH of 5.5. If the soap has a pHs of 9 or higher, it can strip the skin of essential lipids and proteins, leaving it dry and irritated. Lower pH levels are better for the skin, so choose a soap that has this key element.
Soaps that have too many preservatives, chemicals, and fragrances can also be a bit too harsh. Natural moisturising ingredients, like cocoa butter, berries, grapeseed oil, etc, nourish the skin and protect it from harm.
A good moisturising soap should leave the skin clean, but soft and nourished. Soaps can actively hydrate the skin, and the velvety foam can give you a luxurious feeling in the shower.
Like their liquid counterpart, soaps too can address multiple skin conditions. Those with sensitive skin can choose a soap that soothes the irritation, and gently cleans and moisturises the body.
Make sure you use only warm or lukewarm water on your skin. Hot water strips the skin of natural oils, which can leave it feeling tight and dry. Pat dry with a soft towel, to keep the skin soft, and follow up with a moisturiser to lock the goodness in.
Uses of Bar Soap
Get innovative with your favourite bar of soap with these fun ideas:
Body washes – If the bar format is uncomfortable, turn the soap into a liquid version. It’s easy to do and will leave you with a foamy, soft composition.
Felted soap – The benefit of two actions in one, felted soap can clean and exfoliate!
Clean fingernails – If you’re going to do some work in dirt or mud in the garden, first scrape your fingernails on a bar of soap. Th soap will create a barrier between your nails and the dirt, so when you are done, a good wash will clean it all up.
Smelly shoes – A soap left overnight inside a smelly shoe will absorb the odours overnight.
Closet smells – The same rule applies to cupboards as well – musty smells will go away.
Bug bites – Rub a soap on a bug bite to help with the itchy feeling.
Unstick zippers – If your zipper is stuck, just run a bar of soap along with it and it should slide open.
Broken glass – Tiny pieces are difficult to scoop up, but a bar of soap will pick up all the tiny shards. Just make sure you throw it out once you’re done as it will be unusable.